I just signed up for a social network called SocialVibe, introduced to me yesterday in a hot topic presentation by one of my co-workers. The deal is that you endorse specific advertisers and they will in return donate to the charity or vertical good cause of your choice.
SocialVibe gives you points if you do certain activities such as post a picture, link to your other social networking sites, post yourself as an endorser or your sponsor, get others to sign up, etc. Your profile page keeps a running tally of your points and has a counter for how much money your cause has raised through this program. The good old fashioned competitive spirit in you will like it. I chose the animal vertical as my good cause and right now I have Marc Jacobs and Juicy Couture helping me make some dinero for it. It's pretty neat if you want to check it out. http://www.socialvibe.com/main/my_sponsors/
Plus, you can post it to your myspace or facebook and make it look like you're a "do gooder" ;)